MoKaM - Extra Interludes

A letter Shiro (Requiem’s shinigami-turned-horse) wrote to his boss, the God of Death, soon after meeting Calinthe and her group.

Shiro Interlude

To His Holiness, Lord Death, Cutter of the Chain of Life, Great God of Death, Commander of Dead Souls, Head of the Shinigami Death Squads, Lord Sawyer Rathmusen,

Fuck you. And fuck all your titles, too. If I forgot one, you can suck my spiral-marked cock. You said this sawdusting job would be finished in an hour. Now you want me to get involved in a plot with the dominion’s only pint-sized Odonata, a female Ruomalainen hiding Aloutian military secrets, and one of your great-granddaughters? Oh Hell no, I’m not touching this one. No, Lord, you can shove your orders in the sawmill. I’d like to politely remind you I’m a fucking Mujin and I don’t have your precious Contract of Souls. Send someone else to do this mission. A merchant of dance or a shinigami with the Contract of Souls. I don’t give an ulega’s ass, just don’t pick me.

Sincerely, your humble servant, Shiro

Fuck, I meant Miya Ramakame. Mud and sludge, I’m letting the name that woman gave me cling to me like stink on mud…